Saturday, November 14, 2009

Harvest's Internet Timesheet Office Party

The Party: Harvest's Office-Warming Party
Location: Harvest's Company Headquarters (in Soho)
Total Party Count: 56

If you are a devoted reader of (and who isn't!), you may recall Dave & Karen's Marathon Afterparty which I randomly crashed with the understanding that it would be one of the stupidest and pointless things I'd do for this party project. But apparently I was a smash hit with the marathoners, and partying begot partying when runner Danny Wen emailed me recently about his upcoming office-warming party for his company Harvest.

I did a quick search on Harvest and discovered its "online software to track time, log expenses, invoice clients, keep track of account receivables and revenue." Uhhhhh ok. Between that titillating company description and being late for a big Jewish benefit party, I almost skipped out on Danny's. Fortunately curiosity got the best of me and I quickly realized that online timesheet software makers throw the best parties!! I knew I was going to have cut back on my billable hours with the Jews because the Harvest party was chock full of  apple cider, pumpkin pie and dorky, adorable internet entrepreneurs!

I can't find any women in this photo. WOOHOO TECH PARTY!

Me & Harvest's wonderful Danny Wen

Mike, Professional Poker player by day, Rock Paper Scissor by night (he trained under the R.P.S. world champion!!!)

 OMGZ! Its Michael Galpert from my high school!! Yeshivah of Flatbush represent!
Michael became a successful internet entrepreneur. I became a party blogger! (JUST KIDDING I'M A TV PRODUCER OK????)

My favorite new party friend Avi Flombaum, founder of, and Jake, whom we are giving a makeover!
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