Location: 250 Broome St. in the L.E.S.
Total Party Count: 24
In need of a Tuesday night party, I went to the launch party for the new clothing shop Miss Lonelyhearts in the Lower East Side, joined by my friend Keren (two nights in a row!). I didn't know anything about the store prior to going but it seems pretty cute. More importantly, they had these amazing little mochi ice cream things!
The drink is a prop, the snack is real.
Afterwards I met some new secret friends who do this hilarious site Stuff Hipsters Hate at the Williamsburg dump that is The Charleston. Maybe they were there to get some material. Turned out to be trivia night there, which I was happy to witness because now I know that this whole trivia-night-trend that is sweeping new york is totally lame.
Trivia Night = NOT A PARTY!!!
Then I ran into one of the Finger on the Pulse twins (he has a name- Greg) as I was getting off the train and he brought me to the scion radio DJ night at Plan B in the East Village.
Still technically not a party, but more of a party than trivia night.
No, trivia night is not a party. HATE.